Does your carpet have odd black stains around the edges of the wall, particularly under windows and doorways? If yes, it is likely your carpet has become a victim of filtration soiling. You may wonder what causes filtration soiling and what you can do to clean these nasty black stains on the edges of your carpet. Heart of Texas Chem-Dry will share what causes filtration soiling and what you can do to remove the stains, and furthermore, prevent filtration soiling from reoccurring.
What Causes Filtration Soiling?
Filtration soiling occurs when the air enters the room more quickly than what the air leaves the room. Often, if the air can’t flow out of the room at a fast enough pace, the air will push back from the source and enter into such places as HVAC vents, windows, or under doorways. Because the air is concentrated in the same area, the dirt and pollutants get trapped in the carpet pile or fibers. Over time the carpet will become discolored with all the trapped pollutants, causing the black lines on the edges of your carpet. Common air pollutants that are the main culprit of staining the carpet include smoke from cigarettes, dust, candles, cooking oil, soot from a fireplace and dirty HVAC and air duct systems.
Filtration Soil Remover & Cleaning Tips
Removing the black stains left by the pollutants can be rather difficult. In order to clean the stains you will need to use a commercial product that is designed to target filtration soiling. However, some have had success with liquid dish soap mixed with water. Others may use a steam cleaning machine to help extract the pollutants out of the carpet. For best cleaning results, you may want to consider hiring a professional carpet cleaner that has the proper cleaning agents and tools to properly remove the stains.
Preventing Filtration Soiling
If the hardest battle is cleaning filtration soiling stains, then it is in your best interest to prevent filtration soiling from occurring. If your home is prone to filtration soiling you may want to consider taking the proper steps in preventing it ever occurring.
Step 1. Your HVAC is the main culprit of filtration soiling, so start by having your air duct system cleaned regularly. Because most air duct systems gather a lot of dirt and debris, when your air conditioner running it is actually blowing dirt into the various rooms in your home.
Step 2. It helps to change your intake filter on your air conditioner. If the filter becomes over-packed with dust and dirt it restricts proper air flow. This leads to the air being pushed back again and is the leading cause of filtration soiling.
Step 3. For the smoker’s house, if you wish to maintain clean carpets, you may want to develop new habits and take the smoking outside of your home.
Step 4. For those who like to burn candles for their aroma, you may want to switch to using electric heaters that melt the wax or oils to produce those relaxing aromas, instead of burning wicks. For those who enjoy have a roaring fire on those cold winter days, you will want to make sure you clean away the soot and ashes after the fire is extinguished, and has had time to cool.
Step 5. Vacuum your carpets often and have your carpets cleaned regularly also helps maintain a clean and filtration soiling stain free carpet.
Carpet Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Waco, Dallas, Arlington, Harker Heights, Cedar Park, Allen & the State of Texas
If you find you need help cleaning carpet that has become a victim of filtration soiling or other stains, contact Heart of Texas Chem-Dry today!