The amount of time you spend in your bed is often overlooked when you think about how important having the right mattress is to your overall health. Do you realize that you spend 1/3 of your life laying on your mattress? This is why it is so important to make sure you have a mattress that is helping you get the restful sleep that you need. When you do find that perfect mattress, you want to do everything in your power to ensure it lasts as long as possible. Heart of Texas Chem-Dry is here to share some tips that will hopefully help you get the most out of your mattress.
How Do I Get the Most Out of My Mattress?
There are several things that you can do to make sure your mattress lasts. Following are some of our best tips and recommendations for extending the life of your mattress.
– Mattress Support: It is important to make sure your mattress has the support it needs from day one. Without support, your mattress will start to have break down. Make sure you have a box spring that offers the support necessary to ensure your mattress lasts longer. It isn’t a bad idea to occasionally check to make sure there aren’t any broken springs or slats that could leave your mattress unsupported.
– Mattress Protection: Getting a quality mattress protector from day one will do wonders in preserving your mattress. You should be looking for one that is waterproof to keep any spills or accidents from seeping into your mattress should they happen.
– Wash Linens: There is nothing better than getting into a bed that has fresh linens on it. You should be washing your bedding every 1-2 weeks to keep it from becoming a breeding ground for dust mites that work to break down your mattress.
– Rotate Mattress: It doesn’t matter what type of mattress you have; you should be rotating it every few months to keep it in good condition. When rotating it, you should move it 180 degrees. This is something that is especially important during the first year as you are breaking it in at that point.
– No Jumping on Mattress: If you were like most kids, your mom told you to constantly stop jumping on the bed. She has a valid point here though. Jumping on a mattress can cause springs to break and foundations to get damaged when someone is jumping on the mattress.
– Professional Mattress Cleaning: Another great way to get the most out of your mattress is to have it professionally cleaned every year. This can help give it that deep cleaning that will effectively remove any staining or dust mites that are present.
Mattress Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Waco, Dallas, Harker Heights, Cedar Park, Allen & the State of Texas
If you haven’t had your mattress professionally cleaned yet, you can rely on the professionals at Heart of Texas Chem-Dry to make sure your mattress is clean with our mattress cleaning services. Call us today!