Homeowners can readily expect to find mud in the yard any time of the year, but especially when the weather is warm. Between watering the vegetation, the kids’ water activities, and summer rain, mud is easily created. When there is mud, rest assured your beloved pets will find a way to bring it inside, the human occupants for that matter as well. Mud is tracked in on carpets, upholstery, and rugs and naturally, you want to get rid of the muddy prints. Today, we at Heart of Texas ChemDry would like to share a way to remove the muddy paw prints from your pets’ tracking mud on upholstery, rugs, and carpets.
How to Clean Muddy Footprints & Paw Prints on Carpet
1) Resisting the urge to do anything right away is the important step when treating the muddy paw prints on your carpets, as well as the upholstery and rugs. When it comes to mud, the best thing to do is let it dry completely before doing anything else, unlike most spots and stains that require immediate attention. Treating mud directly will cause it to get pushed into the fibers and spread out the mud whereas dirt can be easily vacuumed.
2) Once the mud has completely dried, use your vacuum to remove the dirt. To extract the dry soil more effectively, be sure to vacuum at a slow steady pace and in multiple directions, so it has the opportunity to do so. Just because you can’t see the dirt on the surface, doesn’t mean that it is not present. Efficiently remove as much dirt as possible to by vacuuming slowly and in different directions over the once muddy paw prints.
3) You can treat them with a simple home remedy should any spots remain after a real thorough vacuuming. Mix well equal parts (about 2 cups each) of warm water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Along the residue paw prints, lightly administer the solution and use a dry towel with moderate pressure to absorb the moisture and blot up the remaining residue.
How to Get Ground in Mud Out of Area Rugs
1) Letting the muddy paw prints dry first, just like the carpets, is best to deal with. After the muddy prints have fully dried, use the vacuum slowly and in all directions to remove all the dirt possible.
2) Prepare 2 cups cool water, 2 cups white vinegar, and 1 tbsp mild liquid dish soap well blended in a squirt bottle. Apply the solution to the area lightly and with a clean, dry towel place pressure on the damp area to lift the moisture and spot from the rug.
3) Once completely dry, sprinkle baking soda on the treated area; vacuum the baking soda and remaining residue clean.
How to Clean Fabric Sofa Mud Stains
1) Use the vacuum hose and upholstery attachments to vacuum the now dry dirt after the muddy prints have completely dried.
2) Treat a clean cloth with 1 tbsp liquid dish soap and 2 cups cool water mixed well in a spray bottle or bucket. Blot away any remaining residues.
3) Between applications if needed, be sure to use a dry cloth or towel to absorb the moisture as to ensure you do not make the upholstery too wet. After the paw print is gone, use a towel to remove any remaining moisture.
Carpet, Rugs, Upholstery Cleaning & More in Waco, Dallas, Arlington, Harker Heights, Cedar Park, Allen & the State of Texas
To maintain healthy carpets, rugs and upholstery, call the experts of Heart of Texas Chem-Dry for deep cleaning once or twice year or more so if needed and our specialists will get it clean.