Getting new carpet in your home is exciting. It also takes a lot of preparation. If you are currently living in the home, it can seem like you have to move out in order for the new carpet to be laid correctly. You may be wondering where to even start preparing for the new carpet to come. Heart of Texas Chem-Dry is here to lay out the steps necessary to get ready for your new carpet installation.
Protect Existing Flooring
You probably have other flooring throughout your home that the workers will be walking through to get to the area where they are laying the new carpet. If you do nothing to prepare this area, you are sure to have footprints, dirt and debris tracked throughout the home and on this flooring. You can lay down any old pieces of cardboard you have lying around the house or plastic floor covering that can offer a barrier between the high traffic and flooring. Make sure you tape the protection down to help it stay in place and keep it from sliding around. This will protect your floors from possible damage.
Move All Furniture off Carpet
You do have to somewhat move your belongings out of the rooms that are going to be getting new carpet. Anything that is kept on the floor should be moved out of the room to give the workers plenty of room to get the new carpet laid. It will not work to simply move the furniture from one side of the room to the other. Remove it completely from the space in order for them to get started. If you have any personal items that are precious or valuable, you may want to consider putting them away from any high traffic areas. You don’t want to have anything important taken from your home by someone you don’t know.
Get Started Before Carpet Professionals Arrive
If you are looking for ways to save money and move the installation process along, you can get a head start by removing the current carpet and preparing the floor. You will need to remove any old carpet and pad as well as the staples used to keep it in place. A floor scraper comes in handy when trying to get the staples out of the floor. You will want to vacuum the floor to get rid of the fine dirt and dust that accumulates under carpet over time. This will make the installations process go much faster than if they have to remove all of the old flooring for you. There are some types of flooring that the carpet can be put directly on without removal. Make sure you discuss this with the installation team.
Carpet Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Waco, Dallas, Harker Heights, Cedar Park, Allen & the State of Texas.
Once you have new carpet in your home, you will want to do everything you can to ensure it lasts as long as possible. The main thing you can do to extend the life of your carpet is to properly maintain it. Having your carpets cleaned by the professionals at Heart of Texas Chem-Dry at least once a year will help you get the most out of your carpet. Call us today!