Carpet Stain Protection in Highland Village, TX; Benefits of Adding Carpet Protector when Cleaning

Carpet replacement can be expensive which makes it important to take good care of it. The best way to do that is by having carpet protector applied to it. Carpet protectors form an invisible shield around each fiber that will resist soil and stains.

Benefits of Adding Carpet Protection

1. Carpet stain protection and durability. Carpet protectors protect you carpet from water, dirt, bacteria and mold. This means that your carpet will last longer and will help you save money in the future because you won’t have to replace it sooner than expected.
2. Easier carpet cleaning. Carpets can become seriously damaged from dirt, grease, dyes and spills. Dirt acts like an abrasive and can make your carpet look bad. It becomes much easier to clean carpets when they have been treated with carpet protection. When dyes from food and spills get deep into your carpets, they can become permanent. Carpet protectors make stains easier to remove prevents future stains. Vacuuming also gets easier when carpet protection is used.
3. Improved appearance of carpet. Carpets are walked on every day and it doesn’t take long for it to look bad. Carpet protection helps prevent stains and will help your carpet look better for longer.
4. Carpet odor prevention. Carpets can get smelly no matter how hard you try and keep them clean. These stains can also make the whole room smell. Applying carpet protection will help keep your home smelling fresh because stains can be prevented.
5. Improved indoor air quality. Most people spend 70-90 percent of their time indoors. Carpets hold onto allergens and mold that can create poor air quality. There are also cleaning products that can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Many people suffer from health problems due to the air quality in their homes. Carpet protection works by preventing dust, mold and allergens for building up in your carpet and improves indoor air quality. You’ll also be able to avoid using cleaning products that can be harmful to your health because your carpets won’t stain as easily.
6. Carpet protection is cost effective. The cost of carpet protection will depend on the type you use. But for the most part it’s relatively inexpensive. The cost is well worth it.

How Often Should Carpet Protection Be Applied?

It is recommended you have carpet protector applied once a year or after every cleaning. This is the time it takes for carpet protection to wear off. You can choose to have the whole house protected or just high traffic areas. Your carpet cleaning professional can help you determine the best option so you can protect and extend the life of your carpet. Carpet protection should be applied by professionals, so it’s done properly, dries quickly and leaves no odor behind.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Services in Waco, Dallas, Arlington, Harker Heights, Cedar Park, Allen & the State of Texas

Don’t make the mistake in thinking that you can neglect professional carpet cleaning because you have carpet protection. You should have your carpets cleaned at least once a year. Is it time for your carpets to be cleaned? Give the professionals at Heart of Texas Chem-Dry a call to make an appointment!

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