How to Clean & Sanitize Pet Accidents from Carpet in Hewitt, TX? Treat Quickly & More

When you have a pet, there is more than likely going to be accidents that happen in your home. Hopefully, your pet is trained and the accidents are few and far between. However, even the best trained animals can have accidents sometimes. It is important that homeowners know how to take care of the accidents when they do happen. Heart of Texas Chem-Dry is here to talk about what homeowners should do when they have a pet accident on their carpet.

Hopefully Catch Your Pet in the Act

We know that there are a lot of accidents that happen in the house when the homeowners aren’t there to see it. However, if you can catch your pet in the act, you can use that moment as a learning opportunity. This is especially important if you are dealing with a new puppy. These learning experiences will be helpful in teaching your new pet where it is acceptable to use the bathroom. You will want to quickly remove them from the house and take the puppy outside when this happens so that it starts to click for them.

Work Quickly to Clean it Up

You will want to work to clean up the accident as soon as it happens. When you get cleaning right away, it can keep the accident from seeping deeper and deeper in the fibers of your carpet. Use a white cloth to soak up as much of the urine as you possible can. You will want to blot rather than scrub. If your pet had an accident on clothing or something that can be washed, run it through a rinse cycle before you wash it in a normal cycle to help keep the odor from setting in the fibers.

Clean the Deeper Problem

When it comes to urine accidents on your carpet, it is important that you don’t just clean the surface. You will want to clean the deeper problem. The urine more than likely soaked through the carpet an into the pad. It could even go beyond that and get to the subfloor. If you suspect that this is the case, you need to contact carpet care professionals to help you get the urine out of the carpet for good. If your pet can still smell the urine, they are more likely to have an accident there in the future.

Determine the Cause of the Accident

Sometimes, there might be something going on with your pet that is causing them to have an accident. Pinpointing the cause can help you avoid accidents moving forward. They might have stresses, illnesses or other issues that need to be addressed.

Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning & More in Axtell, West, Lacy Lakeview, Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson, Crawford & Greater Waco, Texas

If you have pet accidents that you are unable to clean up yourself, you can turn to Heart of Texas Chem-Dry to take care of your carpet cleaning needs for you. We will get rid of even the most stubborn pet accident stains. Call us today!

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