How Do I Protect My Carpet & Keep it in Good Condition During the Fall in Axtell, TX?

Having carpet you know that it can get dirty quickly. Between kids, friends, and pets your carpets can get dirty. Then add the fall weather with leaves and debris coming into your house, your carpets can become even dirtier which can be such a headache to try and keep clean. To help eliminate some of the dirt from getting on your carpet and staying on your carpet, Heart of Texas ChemDry outline these few tips to help.

Sweep Porch & Entryway

We all know that in the fall the ground can be covered in leaves. Whether it is from the wind or the kids, your home can end up with leaves and debris on your porch. Those leaves can make their way by your doors and then into your home. Once it is on your porch, it does not take long for it to get tracked inside. Try making it a habit to sweep the outside by your doors. This can help eliminate bringing in dirt, leaves, and debris inside your home and onto your carpet.

Shoes Off Inside Home

When you are home, make it feel like you are home and take off your shoes. Even though it is cold outside and you want your feet to stay warm, take off the shoes that you have been wearing outside. When you wear your shoes inside you track in mud and dirt, which then gets embedded down into your carpet. Keeping your shoes off can help your carpets last longer.

Clean Up Carpet Spills

When it starts to get cold outside, hot drinks start to come out such as hot cocoa and cider. When drinking these more often spills can happen on your carpet. You want to clean up immediately so it does not stain. The first few moments of a spill are crucial so that it does not set into the carpet fibers.

Vacuum Carpet Often

Sweeping the porch and taking your shoes off, can help reduce the debris and dirt from getting inside your home, but it does not eliminate it. This means you need to also vacuum your carpet to keep the dirt and debris under control. You may want to make a vacuuming schedule, doing it daily or every other day to help control the amount of dirt that gets onto your carpet.

Professional Carpet Cleaning

Now, while sweeping, taking your shoes off, cleaning up spills, and vacuuming can help your carpet it does not get a deep cleaning like a professional cleaning would. It is important that you hire a professional to come to clean your carpets at least once a year so that you can keep your carpets looking nice, fresh, and clean.

Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning & More in Axtell, West, Lorena, Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson, Crawford & Greater Waco, Texas

Following these few tips to care for your carpet in the fall can help you keep your carpets looking nice through the cool weather seasons. Don’t just let the dirt and debris come into your house without it being cleaned. Your carpets will last a lot longer when you clean your carpets and get a professional clean. If it is time to get your carpets professionally cleaned then give Heart of Texas Chem-Dry a call.

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