When investing in an area rug many homeowners look for ways to keep it well maintained and clean. Area rugs can provide a soft surface in the needed places and enhance the look of the home. Area rugs can be very tricky to clean, especially stains and during deep cleanings. It is often best to keep the area rug clean and maintained as long as possible. Heart of Texas Chem-Dry will share a few tips on maintaining and keeping an area rug clean.
Shake or Beat a Rug?
for smaller or manageable sized area rugs, it helps to remove dirt deep within the fibers by shaking the rug outside. You can shake a lot of the dirt out and remove the rest with light vacuuming. For larger area rugs, given the space, you can flip the rug upside down, vacuum the back side and flip it right side up and vacuum the surface. You may need to repeat flipping and vacuuming the rug a couple of times to remove all of the dirt.
Vacuum Rug Often
It is important to vacuum an area rug often. You will want to remove as much dirt and other particles inside the rug as possible. Dirt can break the rug’s fibers a little bit at a time, thinning out the rug. To help extend the life of the area rug make sure to vacuum the rug once a week or more if needed.
Clean Area Rug Stains
It is also very important to clean stains as they occur. Stains can be safely removed from the area rug when they are fresh. The longer the stain sits in the rug, the harder it will be to remove the stain. Removing stubborn stains can lead to damages to the area rug.
Deep Clean Area Rugs
Area rugs greatly benefit from deep cleaning about once a year. Deep cleaning can remove dirt, food, particles that are trapped deep within the rug. Deep cleanings are highly recommended to be done by a professional. Area rugs can be very difficult to clean and if not done correctly, the entire rug can be ruined. When deep cleaning or cleaning stains, make sure the rug is dried out on both sides. Mold can set in underneath the rug that isn’t dry soon after cleaning.
Area Rug Padding
After obtaining an area rug consider investing in a quality rug pad that can be placed underneath the rug. Rug pads can prevent the rug from slipping around, especially on smoother flooring. Rug pads can also make sitting on the rug more comfortable. However, the rug padding can also greatly support the rug and prevent moisture and other problems that can wear on the rug.
Rotate Area Rugs
To avoid developing wear patterns in the rug, it helps to disperse the wear by rotating the rug every few week. By rotating the rug you can reduce high traffic pattern and even UV damage to the rug in one area. Rotating is another great way to help extend the life of the area rug.
Area Rug Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Waco, Dallas, Harker Heights, Cedar Park, Allen & the State of Texas
To ensure your area rug lasts a long time, seek a professional area rug cleaning service. Heart of Texas Chem-Dry provides area rug cleaning and much more. Contact Heart of Texas Chem-Dry and schedule our services today.