Author Archives: HOTChemDryAdmin

How Often Should Commercial Carpet Be Professionally Cleaned to Prevent Getting Too Dirty in Melissa, TX?

When you own and operate your own business, there are many maintenance tasks you have to constantly stay on top of. At the top of your list should be cleaning. If your building isn’t clean, chances are, customers are less likely to trust you with the services you are providing. Keeping your carpet and building…

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Are Carpet Protectors Worth It in Anna, TX? Prolong Life of Carpets, Prevent Stains, Improve Air Quality & More

For those with carpets in their homes or businesses, you may have heard about carpet protectors. Many people often wonder if carpet protectors are truly worth it. There are different types of carpet protectants and each are used for different carpet types as well as that it protects the carpet from different elements. However, the…

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